ࡱ> _ )bjbj,E,E .N/N/!    <H  ,f\\\\\KKK+++++++$o-!06+KKKKK+\\+!!!K\\+!K+!!H)*\`1N)t++0 ,)W0sW0(*W0*xKK!KKKKK++!KKK ,KKKKW0KKKKKKKKK2 : FORM ST. APP/A ACADEMIC STAFF ONLY  UNIVERSITY OF LAGOS LAGOS ANNUAL PERFORMANCE EVALUATION REPORT - ACADEMIC STAFF PERIOD OF REPORT: From Start_Month to Stop_Month PART A: (TO BE COMPLETED BY MEMBER OF STAFF) Name: (a) Date of Birth: (b) Single/Married: (c) Date of Compulsory Retirement: 3. Faculty/College: 4. Department: 5. Date & Grade of First Appointment: 6. Date & Grade of Last Promotion: 7. Date & Grade of Current Appointment (if different from (6) above): 8. Has appointment been confirmed? Date of Confirmation: 9. Present Salary: =N= 10. Courses Attended During the Period of Report: 11. Qualifications: (a) Academic: DegreeClassInstitutionAward Date (b) Professional: Qualification Awarding BodyDate of Award* To be completed by only those who will attain the age of 65 years on or before September of the current calendar year 12. Experience: (a) University Teaching Experience: (Please indicate, institution, your designation, Area of specialization, subject taught and dates.) Sheet(s) containing additional information may be attached. InstitutionDesignationSpecializationSubjectTaughtDates(b) Professional Experience EmployerDesignationNature of DutyDate 13. Research: (a) Research in progress (brief description of research project undertaken, if any) (b) Research completed but not yet published. TopicDtae(c) Recognized Publication (Give details of Books and articles, stating exact references, see page 1. Copies of articles and other publications).  **Please list and attach your publications under the following four broad headings. State dates of publications very clearly. Dissertation or thesis Books and Monographs Articles that have already appeared in learned journals Papers already accepted for publication (Please attach photocopies of letters of acceptance from the Editors) Details of Publications: (Indicating significant contributions to knowledge) Recognised Publications only (See Item 13 (c)) FOR PUBLICATIONS SINCE BECOMING PROFESSOR (SEE ATTACHED) BUT FOUR (4 No) ACADEMIC AND SEVEN (7NO) CONFERENCE PUBLICATIONS IN THE PERIOD UNDER REVIEW i.e 2006-2007 (d) Unpublished Papers read at Conference (with names of Conference & dates) TitlePlace ReadDates 14. Other activities within the University (e.g. Position in Hall Administration, University Sports, e.t.c.)  15. Other activities outside normal University work (List other extra curricula activities. That you considered necessary and important to you and the University)  . .. Date Signature of Member of Staff ASSESSMENT SHEET Assessment by the Faculty/College Promotions Committee: ABCDE(a) Quality of Teaching(b) Current Research(c) Quality of Publications(d) Contribution to University or Country .. Signature of Dean of Faculty/ Provost of College KEYS TO GRADES A =Very Good B = Good C = Satisfactory D = Fair E = Poor Assessment; (in Letter Grades A - E) 16. Assessment by the Head of Department (or Dean of Faculty /Provost where the member of staff is a statutory Acting Head of the Department) ABCDE(a) Quality of Teaching(b) Current Research(c) Quality of Research(d) Quality of Publications(e) Postgraduate Supervision(f) Other Departmental Responsibilities(g) Contribution to University or Country(h) General Assessment General Remarks ---------------------------------------- ------------------------- Signature of Head of Department Date Or Dean of Faculty/Provost of College KEYS TO GRADES A =Very Good B = Good C = Satisfactory D = Fair E = Poor 17. Comments by member of Staff: I certify that I have read the contents of this Report and that my head of Department (or Dean of Faculty/Provost of College in the case where a statutory Acting Head of Department is being assessed) has discussed them with me. I have the following comments to add:  ---------------------------------------- ------------------------- Signature of Member of Staff Date 18. Detailed Scoring (only in respect pf members of staff being recommended for promotion/confirmation of appointment the scoring to be done by Faculty /College A & P. Committee CriteriaWeighting Maximum PointsScoresi.Academic/Professional15Qualification (Academic qualifications)10(Professional Qualifications)5iiTeaching(a) Length15 (10 for professorial)(b) Load5 (10 for Non professorial)(c) Quality10) 25(35 for Non Professorial)iiiCurrent Research10ivRecognised Publications30(25 for Non Professorial)vInterview Performance (Associate Professor/Professor)10Others10viContributions to University or Country5viiAdministrative Experience (Professor/Associate Professor only)5viiiAcademic Distinction (Professor/Associate Professor Only)--TOTALPERCENTAGE*Breakdown and details of scores to be attached to separate sheet. Remarks 18(a) Recommendation.............................................................................................................................. ............................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................... ............................................................................................................................................................ .............................................. .. Signature of Head of Department Date (or Dean of Faculty/Provost of College as the case may be) 18 (b) Recommendation of the College/Faculty Appointment and Promotion Committee. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................. ............................................. .. Signature of Dean of Faculty/Provost Date Important Notes:1. Books monographs, theses and dissertations should be listed separately, in the conventional way: e.g. F.J. (1967) concepts in Biochemistry. McGraw Hill inc.2. Publications in journals should be rendered in with Harvard system of nomenclature: Author(s) date title, journal, volume and page number; E.g. Harding, J.P. (1949) " The use of probability paper for The graphical analysis of polymodal frequency distribution," J. Mar. Biol Assoc. U.K. 28, 141 - 153.Where there are multiple author, publication should be exactly as they appear in the journal. No attempt Must be made to change the order of authorship round or to use the form: "Stone and others...."Page number must be quoted in full to indicate the length of the paper.3. Papers not yet in print but already accepted for publication should be so categorized, with the name of the journal and photocopy of letter of acceptance.4. Papers sent for publication but not yet accepted should not be cited.5. Research in progress must be separately itemized. Descriptive details are not required.Note: It is valuable for candidates to indicate the direction in which their published work and research is oriented and if possible separate the major academic publications from those of a more general nature. **Please fill in, with the aid of a typewriter, page 1,2,3, and 4 of this form. The Head of Department's/Provost's will appear on page 5Secretary Appointments and Promotions Board  )*+{|  8 W X    ( , H U  wr h6hbHh56 h,h hbH5hh6CJhbHhbHh5hhbHh5h=qh hq0JhqhqCJ hqhq6 hq6hqhq0JCJ hq0J jh_MhiUmHnHuhq hqhq,)+?E| > X m I c  & Fdhgddhgd hdh`hgd  & Fdhgd$a$gdq $Ifgdm dh`gddhgd  & Fdhgd VMMMM $Ifgdmkd{$$If\E$DDDD t064Babyt TKKKK $Ifgdmkd=$$If\E$DDDD t064BabytbH VMMMM $Ifgdmkd$$If\E$DDDD t064Babyt VMMMM $Ifgdmkd$$If\E$DDDD t064Babyt VMMMM $Ifgdmkd$$If\E$DDDD t064Babyt    VMMMM $IfgdmkdI $$If\E$DDDD t064Babyt    ( : H VJJAAA $Ifgdm dh`gdkd !$$If\E$DDDD t064BabytH I J K L pggg $Ifgdmkd!$$IfFDDB t06    4BaytmL M N O P pggg $Ifgdmkdw"$$IfzFDDB t06    4BaytmP Q R S T pggg $Ifgdmkd!#$$If)FDDB t06    4BaytmT U ph```THH $$Ifa$gdbH dh^gddhgd$a$gdkd#$$If2FDDB t06    4Baytm /kdu$$$IfrS V$DDD`GDF t064BBabytbH $$Ifa$gdbH    ' 5 6 : ; N S 4T $&;=uw346de  Xopstwx{ٸȯȎȎhZLhihQ5hQh5 hU6hUh5h h6hUhU6hUh6hQhbHhQ5 hQ5hUhbHh5h h5hbH hbH5hbHhbH58 $Ifgdm ;2222 $IfgdmkdV%$$IfrS V$DDD`GDF t064BBabytbH 2kd7&$$IfrS V$DDD`GDF t064BBabytbH $Ifgdm  2*dhgdkd'$$IfrS V$DDD`GDF t064BBabytbH $Ifgdm  ' 6 ; < = ? 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